乙肝康复网 > 肠胃湿热型 gastrointestinal dampness and heat英语短句 例句大全

肠胃湿热型 gastrointestinal dampness and heat英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-08 00:02:16


肠胃湿热型,gastrointestinal dampness and heat

1)gastrointestinal dampness and heat肠胃湿热型

1.Objective To study the clinical efficacy of the treatment on seborrheic dermatitis(gastrointestinal dampness and heat) by theorem of clearing heat and excreting damp.目的探讨清热利湿法治疗脂溢性皮炎(肠胃湿热型)的临床疗效。


1.Clinical Study on Theorem of Clearing Heat and Excreting Damp Curing Seborrheic Dermatitis (Gastrointestinal Dampness and Heat)清热利湿法治疗脂溢性皮炎(肠胃湿热型)的临床观察

2.Effects of Reyusan on the Levels of Interleukin-8 and Interleukin-10 in Rats with Ulcerative Colitis Complicated with Dampness-heat Syndrome of Stomach and Intestine热瘀散对胃肠湿热型溃疡性结肠炎大鼠血清IL-8、IL-10的影响

3.Study on the Function Change of Stomach Intestine in the Animal Model of Dampness Retention in the Spleen and Stomach湿困脾胃证动物模型胃肠功能改变的实验研究

4.Clinical Observation of Huo-pu Xia-ling Decoction on Chronic Gastritis Belonging to Splenogastric Hygropyrexia Syndrome,A Report of 42 Cases中西医结合治疗脾胃湿热型慢性胃炎42例

5.The Relationship between TCM Syndrome-type of Chronic Gastritis and Helicobacter Pylori;脾胃湿热、脾胃虚弱型慢性胃炎与幽门螺旋杆菌的关系

6.Large Intestine Damp-heat in Rat Ulcerative Colitis Model and Its Impact Qing-chang-tang大肠湿热型溃疡性结肠炎大鼠模型的建立及清肠汤对其的影响

7.The Study of Childhood Recurrent Abdominal Pain and TCM Spleen-stomach Damp-heat Syndrome with Intestinal Microecology;小儿再发性腹痛的脾胃湿热证与肠道微生态关系的研究

8.Study on the Stress Responses and the Change of Gastrointestinal Hormones of Wound Rabbits in the Thermal and Humid Environment;湿热环境下创伤兔应激反应与胃肠激素变化的研究

9.the Research on how Qingxiang Powder Acts on Gastrointestinal Tract s Function and Oxidation Resistance of Damp-heat Syndrome;清香散对湿热病证胃肠功能、抗氧化能力作用的研究

10.The Clinical Efficacy Observation of Yinchenhao Decoction (Powder) Posted Umbilical Therapy Treat Damp-heat in the Gastrointestinal Acne Vulgaris茵陈蒿汤(散)贴脐疗法治疗胃肠湿热寻常性痤疮的临床疗效观察

11.Fengliao Changweikang Mixture Treatment of Children with Diarrhea (Damp-heat, Improper Diet) Clinical Observation枫蓼肠胃康合剂治疗小儿腹泻(湿热证、伤食证)的临床疗效观察

12.Qingchang Decoction for Damp-heat in the Large Intestine of the Clinical Study of Ulcerative Colitis清肠汤治疗大肠湿热型溃疡性结肠炎的临床研究

13.Influences of Qingchang Decoction on tissue NF-κB p65 and TLR4 of Rats with Ulcerative Colitis of Large Intestine Damp-heat Syndrome Type清肠汤对大肠湿热型溃疡性结肠炎大鼠组织NF-κBp65及TLR4的影响

14.Prolonged Ⅱ phase,Ⅲ phase and shortened Ⅰ phase were found in ILS group,DHSS group,RFD group and SPD group.肝胃不和型、脾胃湿热型、饮食停滞型和痰湿中阻型Ⅱ组相、Ⅲ相延长,相缩短;

15.Clinical Research on the Treatment of Simple Obesity of Heating in the Stomoch Intestines with Acupuncture;针刺治疗胃肠腑热型肥胖病的临床研究

16.Research on the Model of Large Intestine of Wet Heat Syndrome and Study the Effection of Jixiekang on It;大肠湿热证模型研制及急泻康对其影响的研究

17.Experimental Study on Quantization of Splenogastric Hygropy-rexia Syndroma with Predominance of Wetness and Heat脾胃湿热证湿热偏重量化的实验研究

18.The Experimental Study on Quantizing Dominant Wet and Dominant Heat Type of the Spleen and Stomach Wet Heat Syndrome脾胃湿热证湿、热偏重量化的实验研究


damp-heat in intestine and stomach肠胃湿热

1.Treatment of facial acne of TCM type ofdamp-heat in intestine and stomach with oral Chinese herbal decoction combined with external used Chinese herbal face film;中药内服配合中药面膜治疗肠胃湿热型面部痤疮疗效观察

3)damp-heat in the stomach and intestine胃肠湿热

1.The type of accumulated heat in the lung and stomach was treated with modified Pipaqingfei Decoction;the type ofdamp-heat in the stomach and intestine,with modified Chushiweiling Decoction;the type of phlegm-damp stagnation,with modified Haizaoyuhu Decoction;the type of the disorders of Cong and.肺胃蕴热型予枇杷清肺饮加减治疗;胃肠湿热型予除湿胃苓汤加减治疗;痰湿瘀滞型予海藻玉壶汤加减治疗;冲任不调型予自拟调经方加减治疗;肝郁气滞型予丹栀逍遥散加减治疗。

4)Dampness-heat syndrome of stomach and intestine胃肠湿热证

5)intestine and stomach dryness-heat type胃肠燥热型

1.Objective to observe the curative effect with Yang Yin Run Chang instant herbal medicines to treat costiveintestine and stomach dryness-heat type 2type diabetes.目的观察养阴润肠冲剂治疗2型糖尿病(胃肠燥热型)便秘的临床效果。

6)Stomaeh-Intestine Excessive Heat Type胃肠实热型


肠胃1.肠与胃。 2.借喻中枢要地﹐犹腹心。

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