乙肝康复网 > 乙型肝炎肝硬化 Hepatitis B Cirrhosis英语短句 例句大全

乙型肝炎肝硬化 Hepatitis B Cirrhosis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-25 09:33:10


乙型肝炎肝硬化,Hepatitis B Cirrhosis

1)Hepatitis B Cirrhosis乙型肝炎肝硬化

1.Effects of rocuronium on the onset time of muscular relaxation in patients with hepatitis B cirrhosis;罗库溴铵对乙型肝炎肝硬化患者肌松时效的影响


1.Research on Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Hepatitis B Virus Related Cirrhosis;乙型肝炎肝硬化患者健康相关生存质量研究

2.Study on the Relationship between Cirrhosis Due to Hepatitis B Virus and HLA-DRB1 Allele Polymorphism;乙型肝炎肝硬化与HLA-DRB1等位基因的关联性研究

3.Clinical analysis of adefovir dipivoxil in treatment of hepatitis B cirrhosis阿德福韦治疗乙型肝炎肝硬化的疗效评价

4.Significance and advances of antiviral therapy for HBV-related cirrhosis乙型肝炎肝硬化抗病毒治疗的意义与进展

5.Entecavir therapy in patients with decompensated HBV-related cirrhosis恩替卡韦治疗失代偿期乙型肝炎肝硬化

6.Clinical Analysis of 53 Cases with HBV-related Hepatocirrhosis Concomitant with Hepatogenic Diabetes乙型肝炎肝硬化合并肝源性糖尿病53例临床分析

7.Clinical analysis of 52 cases of hepatitis B virus related liver cirrhosis with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis乙型肝炎肝硬化腹水并自发性细菌性腹膜炎52例临床分析

8.Research on the Relationships between Syndrome Types of TCM and Serum Levels of Testosterone and Estradiol in the Male Patients with Liver Cirrhosis Caused by Chronic Hepatitis B;男性乙型肝炎肝硬化血清睾酮、雌二醇水平与中医证型关系

9.Effects of Reduced Glutathione on MDA and GSH-PX Level in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis还原型谷胱甘肽对乙型肝炎肝硬化患者MDA、GSH-PX水平的影响

10.Revised Small Bupleurum Decoction Treat Hepatocirrhosis of Hepatitis B 69 Cases小柴胡汤化裁治疗乙型肝炎肝硬化69例临床观察

11.Relationship between genetic polymorphisms of CC-chemokine receptor and hepatitis B virus-induced liver cirrhosisCC族趋化因子受体基因多态性在乙型肝炎肝硬化中的作用

12.The Expression and Significance of COX-2 and TGF-β1 in Chronic Hepatitis B and Cirrhosis Patients;COX-2和TGF-β1在乙型肝炎肝硬化中的表达及其意义

13.Epidemiological trend of hepatitis B,liver cirrhosis and liver cancer during 1990- in Shandong province,China山东省乙型肝炎、肝硬化及肝癌流行趋势分析

14.The Risk Factors of Progression to Cirrhosis in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B;慢性乙型肝炎进展为肝硬化的危险因素分析

15.Distribution of HBV genotypes and subgenotypes among liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma patients in northern China中国北方地区肝硬化及肝癌患者乙型肝炎病毒基因型及亚型分析

16.Mathematical Models Using Conventional Laboratory Indicators to Predict Hepatic Fibrosis Progressing in Chronic Hepatitis B常规实验室参数数学模型预测慢性乙型肝炎肝纤维化肝硬化

17.Therapeutic effect of patients with chronic hepatic fibrosis of type B hepatitis and early cirrhosis by combination of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine中西医结合治疗慢性乙型肝炎肝纤维化及早期肝硬化的临床分析

18.Clonality of Nodules of Altered Hepatocytes in Livers with Chronic Hepatitis B and Cirrhosis;慢性乙型肝炎和肝硬化组织中变异肝细胞结节的克隆性


Liver cirrhosis乙型肝炎肝硬化

1.[Objective] To investigate whether HLA class II DQA1 and DQB1 gene polymorphisms are associated with development of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in Shandong province and provide clues to seeking for the susceptible and protective genes for chronic HBV infection, HBV-related liver cirrhosis (LC), and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).目的探讨山东地区人类白细胞抗原(human leucocyte antigens,HLA)DQA1、DQB1基因的等位基因多态性与慢性乙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis B virus,HBV)感染及其临床转归的相关性,为寻找慢性乙型肝炎病毒感染、乙型肝炎肝硬化及乙肝后肝细胞癌的易感基因和抗病基因提供线索。

3)HBV-hepatic cirrhosis乙型肝炎肝硬化

1.Objective: To investigate the relationship between Genetic polymophisms ofConnective tissue growth factor promoter andHBV-hepatic cirrhosisMethods: Genetic polymorphisms of connective tissue growth factorpromoter (locus-484G/C and-650G/C) were determined in 121 patients withHBV-hepatic cirrhosis and 138 healthy blood donors by polymerase chainreaction (PCR) and direct capillary sequencing.目的:研究结缔组织生长因子(connective tissue growth factor,CTGF)基因启动子多态性及其与四川地区中国人乙型肝炎肝硬化发生、发展的相关性。

2.Objective: To investigate the relationship between genetic polymorphism in angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1R) andHBV-hepatic cirrhosis.目的:研究血管紧张素转换酶(angiotensin-converting enzyme,ACE)及血管紧张素Ⅱ1型受体(angiotensinⅡtype 1 receptor,AT1R)基因多态性与乙型肝炎肝硬化之间的关联,旨在初步探讨其在乙型肝炎肝硬化的发生、发展中的作用。

4)posthepatitic B cirrhosis乙型肝炎性肝硬化

1.To observe the changes of plasma peptide hormone levels in patients withposthepatitic B cirrhosis, and discuss their influence on hemodynamic as well as retention of sodium and water, RIA method was used to determine the plasma hormone levels in the patients with cirrhosis and in healthy control group.采用放射免疫分析法测定空腹血浆的激素含量 ,观察乙型肝炎性肝硬化时血浆肽类激素变化 ,探讨其对血液动力学和钠水潴留的影响。

5)Decompensated hepatitis B cirrhosis乙型肝炎肝硬化代偿期

6)hepatitis B liver cirrhosis乙型肝炎后肝硬化


不完全分隔型肝硬化不完全分隔型肝硬化incomplete septal cirrhosis纤维隔占突出地位,部分分隔突然中断于肝实质内,并不和汇管区相连接。结节大小不等,腺泡结节仍可正常。此型肝硬化的肝功能损害较轻,常见于血吸虫性肝硬化。

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