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肝藏血 Liver storing blood英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-26 01:14:26


肝藏血,Liver storing blood

1)Liver storing blood肝藏血

1.Purpose : To investigate the mechanisms of regulating liver to stop bleeding tocure the abnormal bleeding of the uterus in which IUD is placed in order to provide modern scientific experimental foundation for the further investigation of the basic theory of TCM such as liver storing blood.目的:探讨调肝止血法治疗置宫内节育器所致子宫异常出血的作用机制,为进一步研究中医肝藏血理论提供现代科学实验依据。

2.Purpose:to research the action mechanism of the method of modulating liver curing the metrorrhagia after the inserting of the intrauterine device,to provide experimental foundation for the basic theory of TCM such as liver storing blood,to provide the methods to cure the metrorrhagia.目的:研究中医调肝止血法治疗宫内节育器所致子宫出血副反应的作用机制,为进一步研究中医肝藏血理论提供实验依据,并为临床治疗血证提供新的思路和方法。


1.The liver is capable of retaining blood and regulating the amount of blood in the body.肝藏血是指肝有贮存血液和调节血量的作用。

2.When the liver function in storing the blood is disturbed, two possible disorders may arise.(2)肝的藏血功能发生障碍时,可出现两种情况。

3.His liver immediately releases stored sugar-instant energy-into his bloodstream.他的肝脏立刻释放所储藏的糖-快速的能量,进入他的血流。

4.It explains the internal bleeding, the hemolytic anemia, the liver failure.解释了内出血, 容血性贫血肝衰竭

5.Influence of Ripe Degree of Boletus speciosus Frost on Storage and Fresh-keeping采收成熟度对牛肝菌保鲜贮藏的影响

6.A Study on Generation Science of the Visceral Picture Theory of Liver in Internal Classical of Medicine《黄帝内经》肝藏象理论发生学研究

7.Ischemia reperfusion liver transplantation and gastric mucosal injury;肝缺血再灌注、肝移植与胃粘膜损伤

8.Clinical experience of ABO-diffferent liver transplantationABO血型不同供肝肝移植的临床应用

9.hemangioendothelial cell sarcoma of liver肝血管内皮细胞肉瘤

10.The lesions were intrahpatic in27 patients and extrahepatic in3.手术治疗的30例中肝内出血27例,肝外出血3例。

11.The Study of Hepatic Blood Inflow Occlusion without Hemihepatic Artery Control;保留半肝动脉血供的入肝血流阻断方法的研究

12.Clinical effects of Ganjiaxinpian and Xuezhikang capsule on hyperlipidemia fatty liver肝加欣联合血脂康治疗高脂血症脂肪肝62例

13.Value of absent or reversed diastolic flow in predicting hepatic artery thrombosis after liver transplantation肝动脉舒张期血流在预测肝移植术后肝动脉血栓形成中的意义

parison of Total Hepatic and Hemihepatic Blood Inflow Occlusion in Rat: A Prospective Randomized Trial;大鼠入肝血流与半肝血流阻断下肝脏损伤的随机对照实验

15."Liver disorders include jaundice, hepatitis, cirrhosis, tumours, vascular obstruction, abscess, and glycogen-storage diseases"肝病包括黄疸、肝炎、肝硬化、肿瘤、血管阻塞、脓疮和肝醣贮积

16.HEMANGIOSARCOMA - Malignant tumor that arises from the blood vessels of the liver.血管肉瘤——发生于肝脏血管的恶性肿瘤。

17.Study on the Evolution Law of Yinyang and Five Zang-organs from Cell to Body and Physiological and Pathological Study of Liver Zang-organ;从细胞到人体的阴阳五藏之演化及肝藏生理病理的研究

18.Capillary accords with spleen on function, so it is owned by spleen in viscera-state.毛细血管符合脾藏的功能特性,在藏象上当归属脾藏。



1.The Smooth Muscle Is the Anatomic Basis That Liver Regulates Sexual Physiology;论平滑肌是肝藏调节性生理的解剖基础

3)storing blood藏血

1.Liver has the functions ofstoring blood and regulating and dredging the activity of qi which are the basis of the theory of liver is the root of endurance."肝者,罢极之本"是藏象学说的重要内容之一,历代医家、学者对"罢极"的诠释虽不尽相同,但大都认为"肝者,罢极之本"是指肝与人体运动及运动时耐受和消除疲劳的能力有关,而肝之所以能够在运动中发挥抗疲劳的作用离不开肝藏血和主疏泄的生理功能。

2.Liver has the functions ofstoring blood, and regulating and dredging the activity of qi, which are the physiological basis of "liver is the root of Baji (endurance)".历代医家、学者对“罢极”的诠释虽不尽相同,但大都认“为肝者,罢极之本”是指肝与人体运动及运动时耐受和消除疲劳的能力有关,而肝之所以能够在运动中发挥抗疲劳的作用离不开肝藏血和主疏泄的生理功能。

4)liver blood肝血

5)liver stored in the body肝藏在体

1.The author point out that skeletal muscle conforms to the physiological features of the liver and thereforeliver stored in the body is skeletal muscle in the modern sense, thus perfecting the theory of the relationship between liver and the smooth muscle.从肝藏的生理解剖基础是人体平滑肌系统这一认识出发,分析了“筋”与“肌肉”的概念,论证了平滑肌与骨骼肌的客观联系,指出骨骼肌与肝藏的生理特性相符,肝藏在体所合是现代意义上的骨骼肌,脾藏在体所合应为脂肪。

6)Visceral manifestation of the liver肝藏象


肝藏血肝藏血 肝藏血 生理学名词。出《素问·调经论》等篇。指肝具有贮藏血液和调节血量的生理功能。血液化生后贮藏于肝脏,随人体活动量需要而向机体外周输布,维持各脏腑功能及全身筋骨运动。《素问·五脏生成》:“故人卧血归于肝。肝受血而能视,足受血而能步,掌受血而能握,指受血而能摄。”王冰注:“肝藏血,心行之,人动则血运于诸经,人静则血归于肝脏,何者?肝主血海故也。”肝不藏血,则会出现血虚、失血证候。

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